
…Parenting Is Super Hard

After lots of convincing…lots of convincing…my husband, Ryan is finally joining me for an episode! Honestly, we took on parenting blind. Like completely blind. We didn’t read a bunch of books or go to any seminars. We actually got kicked out of a birthing class. I mean who knew you actually had to sign up for those things? Be more clear, birthing people. All we went off of was what people told us. In this episode, we talked about the worst advice, how kids changed who we are and we even learned some new things about each other. For example, Ryan really needs to work harder to appreciate my hilarious jokes. I hope you love No One Told Me Parenting Is Super Hard.

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *