
Not Everyone Will Like You

I do not like the name of this episode. I don’t like even considering this concept. As a fully-realized two on the enneagram – the thought of someone CHOOSING not to like me…well, now, I just convince myself I can surely change that.

But, the reality of life is there are times you’ll run into people, beginning all the way back in elementary school, who just simply don’t like you. Sometimes for a reason, sometimes for a season or sometimes just because. And then there are people who won’t be good for you. Relationships that you allow – yeah, you heard me, I said you ALLOW – in your life that actually make you worse. Or push you to be someone you don’t like. I didn’t know what a toxic relationship was until I started learning who I was created to be.

I get it, you don’t always allow these relationships – at times you’re stuck in them whether it’s at your job or in school. You can’t always hide from them, so how do you learn to function within them? How do you protect yourself?

A few weeks ago my friend Sierra reached out to share her story about this exact topic. How do you keep yourself encouraged when it feels like people are against you? How do you not believe what they say about you or get tangled in what they think about you? As you come to learn with time, sometimes people just won’t like you and let me be the first to say…that’s okay. Actually, you’re probably better for it. Even if it’s painful. These are tough truths for me, but I love the openness and honesty of this conversation mixed with the actual fact that Sierra sounds like Miley Cyrus. That’s a win-win situation.

Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *