
The Things Adults Have Know About Buying/Selling/Moving A Home

Seriously, though, why aren’t we talking about the home buying/selling process more? It’s probably one of the most adult things you can do – and yet you have no idea what you’re doing. In case you’re a long-time listener and you haven’t heard me talk nonstop about it yet…we just recently moved to a new house.

I shared a lot of the process on @notmpodcast’s Instagram page, and I got the feeling many of you were finding or have found yourself in a similar situation – trying to adult without knowing how to actually adult. Many mentioned doing an episode around buying/selling/moving a home and I honestly didn’t think we’d have much to talk about about to make up an entire episode. I was wrong. This topic has so many ins and outs and because I have a husband who’s hyperaware of all details and researches the junk out of everything…well, he was the perfect guy to answer all the questions. I’m honestly just here for color commentary at this point. It’s all I can bring to the table. If you ever wondered how our marriage works – this is a pretty accurate picture. Ryan talks through the more complicated side of things while I just offer advice on how to pick a house based on how it feels. Yeah, I said it. The house has to feel right.

We talk house hunting, buying, selling, moving and share some of the top tips from my realtor. You may think these are things you don’t need to know, but trust us here at NOTM…you do.

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *