
Talking Politics With Grace and Why Your Participation Really Does Matter

In a time when divisiveness seems to be supported – many times actually encouraged – how do we reach a place where we can say, “I disagree, but I’m listening”? 

Today’s guests actually wrote the book on it. I reached out to them back in July simply because I don’t want us to be scared of these topics, intimidated by what we may not know or understand. We choose to avoid learning or educating ourselves because we think the only time we would use that knowledge would be in an argument – so what’s the point?

Knowledge is absolutely power – but the problem is some have started abusing that power. Using it almost as a weapon, thinking it’ll force someone into agreement. 

Sarah and Beth host a podcast called Pantsuit Politics that’s full of grace-filled, political conversations. The word that came to mind over and over throughout our conversation is ’empowering’. In the exhaustion of feeling like it’s all too big to even try to make a difference, while we’re being targeted with more information than we know what to do with and our hearts and brains are honestly just tired – Sarah and Beth occupy a corner of the internet that, in so many ways, makes you feel able. More specifically – capable – of making a difference. I’m calling this our palette cleanser – our reset button in all the chaos.

Pantsuit Politics

I Think You’re Wrong, But I’m Listening

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *