
Defining The Shame We Get And Give + The Difference In Shame And Guilt

Shame has shaped chunks of who I am personally. I think you’ve probably felt it, too. Maybe it’s kept you from looking in the mirror. From walking into a particular building. It could be you can’t find a close connection because you feel the need to keep a piece of you hidden. Or you fear applying for a job because of questions asked.

What do you do with not only the shame you feel, but the shame you give? How do we start changing these patterns? Doing something about the sharp scissors of judgement cutting their way through our everyday?

This week is simply a set up to get your wheels turning, to get the conversation started internally and externally. How has shame shaped you? How is it shaping you? Are you using it, inadvertently or not, to shape something or someone around you? These are important questions to ask yourself. I hope this episode helps you take a step toward answering them.

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *