
Did Anyone Tell You: Holiday Edition

Here it is. The end of 2020 coming in hot, but I think we can say this year as a whole has continually come in hot. I was hoping we could end the year with the balance of mindful and mindless we’ve all been trying strike. You know, trying to be mindful of the space we’re in, the time we spend, but also needing a break from all the personal growth we, at times, felt pressured to undergo this year. So today is both of those things. Mindless in the sense of we’re going to spend the majority of the episode drawing some hard lines on family traditions, holiday sides and what the word “magical” really means as a descriptor. But also mindful in how we think about 2020. Instead of pushing it away, let’s lean into some intentionality with a few suggestions I have for how to finish your year.

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *