
All Your Hormones Impact And What Questions You Need To Be Asking About Your Health

I’m not trying to be a broken record here – but do you know everything your hormones impact? Fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, sex drive, temper…overall outlook on life. As we continue trying to intentionally pursue a state of balance with our mental health – we would be dummies to ignore how our hormones play a part in all of it.

I get it though, sometimes you’re sitting on that cold metal table with the thin paper that keeps sticking to your legs, trying to describe your symptoms to your doctor and you know something’s wrong – but you just can’t put a finger on the source. Today’s guest, Dr. Heather Rhodes, she knows exactly how that feels. She spent years pursuing a diagnosis that never came. One she eventually discovered herself after tons of research and paying attention to what was going on in and around her. Now she takes that knowledge and pours it into women all over the country as she teaches how we can partner with our bodies to heal the hormones our environments break down. We’ll talk about the symptoms to pay attention to, how what’s around us impacts us and the questions we need to be asking to find natural and practical options to start the process of healing what feels broken.

Dr. Heather Rhodes Website

Dr. Heather Rhodes Instagram

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *