
When Did You Start Believing Your Body Wasn’t Okay The Way It Was?

Can you remember when it was? When you started believing there was something wrong with how you looked? Maybe you deconstructed it all on your own or maybe you were told on the playground, in between races around the track. If you’re like me, you fight against it – and then you realize…you can control it. Habits, routines, counts, quick addition and then subtraction. Your thoughts revolve around when you eat, what you’ll eat, if you’ll eat. You steal looks in every mirror you pass – trying to see if your stomach is flat enough, your legs slim enough. Scrunching up your sleeves and situation your hair over your arms to hide the thickness. Everything is controlled because it brings the results you wanted. The results curated from well-positioned posts and magic numbers to hit. Try to get the high that only comes from having to size down.

Can I tell you something? It’s not worth it. This obsession. This control. Fighting your body, forcing it to fit into something that maybe, just maybe, it was never meant to fit into. My friend Kaitlyn Tucker knows exactly how it feels to punish your body for extra calories. To go further than you should to keep losing. Staring at a number on a scale and being heartbroken if it inched up a dash. She’s lived it. But, she’s different now. Wiser. And every conversation she has with her patients starts with one question: When did you start believing your body wasn’t okay the way it was?

Kaitlyn Cupples Tucker, RD

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *