
Trying Even In Fear, Releasing What Was And Leaning Into Giftedness

No one told me how often I would have to push through fear. Seriously. It pops up every single time I want to try…well, anything. So, what does it look to try – even when you’re afraid? Jenessa Wait started her business in fear. And after experiencing pretty incredible growth, she had to let it go to step into a new assignment. Janessa walks us through what it was like to fight for a tighter grip when all God was asking her for was an open hand. What are you holding too tightly? What does it look to trust God to use what He’s already equipped you with to build His kingdom? Let’s talk about it.

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *