
Cultivating Peace: The Spiral of Our Thoughts

If our goal is to cultivate peace this month, that means we have to cultivate our thought life.

Instead of letting thoughts float in and out, leaving whatever damage they may in their wake, what if we thought about our thoughts? That feels overwhelming. And I don’t actually know where to start on the concept.

So, I asked my friend Allysen, a counselor with degrees and experience to equip us for peace. I’m always better from my conversations with her. She talks through what happens to start the spiral and, practically, how do we work our way out of it?

How do we maintain our footing when the avalanche of thoughts, feelings and circumstance keep knocking our feet out from under us? 

This gets deep, so take your time. 

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *