…The Truth About The Friend Zone
I thought I had forgotten what the Friend Zone was like. I haven’t. And it made me want to pull my shirt over my head and just take a minute to get myself together. My friend Caroline has a few of those stories. We shared our worst ones, but then we just honestly talked about those seasons of life where emotions run our lives. When our emotions make us do some...regrettable...things. I grew up with Caroline and good grief has she become a woman with a whole lot of wisdom. It doesn’t matter if the friend zone isn’t a threat to you anymore, this episode is worth a listen.
…Not All Advice Is Good Advice
Listen, there is no shortage of advice out there. Everybody has something to say about every something. Including me, apparently. But, just because everyone wants you to know something doesn’t mean it’s something you need to know. Listen carefully doesn’t just apply to the flight attendant’s pre-flight instructions. (As a nervous flyer, you better believe I’ve got pen and paper out every single time. I’m not going down like that.) You can’t always control who shares insight with you, I get it. But, in this episode, we’re going to talk about how you know if the advice you’re getting is advice you should be taking. Because, honestly, just because it’s…
…Every Mom Is Figuring It Out
Whether you’re a first time mom calling the doctor because your little one’s left earlobe seems slightly smaller than the right one and on various Google search results, that’s a marker for the plague or you’re a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time mom (because if you’ve crossed the line to child number five, bless you and may the Lord be with you) who honestly is contemplating the pros and cons of asking that random lady you’ve seen walking the neighborhood a few times if she’ll keep your kids because good gravy you just NEED A MINUTE - either way you cut it...this mom thing is no joke. But, it’s within this…
…Marriage Is Easy. And Hard. But Also Easy.
When I got married, I was all about that ‘wifey’ vibe. I mean, I legitimately bought aprons to wear. APRONS. What even? I had great intentions of home cooked meals, fresh laundry, clean bathrooms and snuggling on the couch beneath the glow of Netflix. I created some pretty intense expectations. Did you catch that, “I created…”? And the pressure to deliver, whew, made me not really, um, the nicest person. In this episode, two of the funniest people I know got together with me to compare notes of what this married life is all about. We discovered getting engaged is hard, how we knew he was ‘the one’ and what…
…I’d Be Living the Single Life
I’m going to be real honest here...I was flying blind on this episode. I thought of myself as a pretty good matchmaker. No...I don’t have any examples. But, you know, it’s like buying gifts - it’s the thought that counts. Right? Um, apparently, no. My friends Rachel and Laura set me straight and then we go over the highs and lows of dating apps, the leagues we’re all in and the meantime of being single. It doesn’t really matter if you’re single or not - I think you’ll love this episode.
Episode 00
No One Told Me is for all of those times you wished someone just a little ahead of you would tell you what they did in the same situation, in the same season of life.