
Answering Listener Questions About Our Hearts, Bodies and Minds

Last week felt like the emotional equivalent of pulling on compression leggings while sweating. Is that not the worst? All it does is make you sweat more…it’s a vicious cycle. In the heart of a season full of transitions, I knew some time spent looking back on life with NOTM regular, Brooke, and answering questions based on past experiences would simply remind us that we’re able to handle more than we think. We invited you all to send in your questions and we categorized them with surprising ease because they all centered around a few things: body image/fitness, honeymoon nights/marriage, pregnancy/childbirth and personal growth. These are almost all transitional seasons, things that require us to change whether we’re ready or not. So, if we can help prepare you – well – that’s exactly what we’ll do.

Journaling Bible

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Hi! I’m Callie. I live my life using the hand-to-forehead emoji while trying to figure out how to be an above average wife to Ryan and mom to Henley and Hagan...* Read More *